RK Launches RK Energy to Serve Oil and Gas

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November 12, 2012 – As a part of the RK’s rapid diversification, RK recently launched RK Energy due to demand from the midstream oil and gas sector. RK Energy’s integrated modular construction method for producing LACT skids, Salt Water Disposal buildings and other well site facilities introduces a more efficient way of doing business. By transporting prefabricated solutions directly to client sites,  RK helps oil and gas clients increase safety and quality control; reduced reliance on on-site manpower; expedite schedules and mitigation of risks associated with weather delays.

RK Energy uses advanced engineering, preconstruction services and CAD modeling for precise planning that eliminates duplicated design efforts at each field site. Beyond prefabricated well site facilities, RK Energy projects span everything from constructing an entire plan to manufacturing custom products to pipe fabrication and field services. RK Energy’s resources allow them to deliver quality products faster so clients maintain production schedules.